Saturday, November 19, 2011

Face Enhancement & Detraction Strategies among the Chinese

Chinese regard the concept of face with great significance. The closest meaning of “face” are “good reputation”, “dignity”, “prestige”, and “high standing”.

The following shows various types of “face”.

 丢面子 (diumianzi, losing face).

It refers to one’s embarrassment when shameful deeds have been exposed.

 给面子 (geimianzi, giving face)

It refers to using face enhancing strategies to show respect. A subordinate should not point out the mistake of a superior. This applies to other interpersonal relationships such as children with parents, students with teachers, and athletes with coaches as well.

 留面子 (liumianzi, granting face)

It refers to giving someone the opportunity to recover lost honor and reputation.

 讲面子 (jiangmianzi, emphasis on face)

It refers to the habit of preserving and upholding one’s honor in any social circumstances.

 争面子 (zhengmianzi, competing for face)

It refers to “keeping up with the Joneses”. When the neighbor bought a new car, Thomas buys a more expensive car to preserve his “face” in the public.

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