Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Major Specializations in Psychology


General Interest

Example of Interest or Research Topic


Relationship between brain and behavior
What body signals indicate hunger and satiety?

Clinical psychologist
Emotional difficulties
How can people be helped to overcome severe anxiety?

Cognitive psychologist

Memory, thinking
Do people have several kinds of memory?

Community psychologist
Organizations and social structures
Would improved job opportunities decrease psychological distress?

Counseling psychologist

Helping people make important decisions

Should this person consider changing careers?

Developmental psychologist
Changes in behavior over age

At what age can a child first distinguish between appearance and reality?

Educational psychologist

Improvement of learning in school

What is the best way to test a student’s knowledge?

Environmental psychologist

How noise, heat, crowding, etc. affect behavior

What building design can maximize the productivity of the people who use it?

Evolutionary psychologist

Evolutionary history of behavior

How did people evolve their facial expressions of emotion?

Human factors specialist
Communication between person and machine
How can an airplane cockpit be redesigned to increase safety?

Industrial/organizational psychologist
People at work
Should jobs be made simple and foolproof or interesting and challenging?

Learning and motivation specialist
Learning in humans and other species
What are the effects of reinforcement and punishment?
Personality psychologist

Personality differences

Why are certain people shy and others gregarious?

Measuring intelligence, personality, interests
How fair are current IQ tests? Can we devise better tests?

School psychologist

Problems that affect school children
How should the school handle a child who regularly disrupts the classroom?

Social psychologist

Group behavior, social influences
What methods of persuasion are most effective for changing attitudes?

Taken from James W Kalat Introduction to Psychology

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